Advice Collection
(Maintained by Tao Xie and Yuan Xie)
dissertation/research advice
Presentation advice
writing/research advice
Technical reviewing/referee advice
for faculty
hunting advice
English learning advice
Ph.D. dissertation/research advice:
- Advice by Tao Xie
- Reflections and
advice on life as a mid-stage Ph.D. student by Philip Guo
- Imagining Research
& Development: R&D student internships/student job
- Getting
a Ph.D. at the University of Southern California by Yuriy Brun
- Pithy
advice for graduate school by Rachel Pottinger
and Kathryn.
S. McKinley
- Some
grad school advice by Noah Smith
- Advice by Frédo
- Advice
on Getting a Start into Research and Advice
on Writing Research Papers by Tao
- Writing
a Research Paper by Jim Reggia
- Networking
by Mary Jean Harrold
and Kathryn.
S. McKinley
- The
Researcher's Bible by Alan Bundy et al.
- Advice
for Prospective Research Students on Contacting Potential Advisors
by David
- Suggested guidelines
for finding "related work" for conference papers.
by Gail Kaiser.
- A
course on Preparation for Statistical Research offered at NCSU Stat
- Principles
of Effective Research by Michael A. Nielsen
- The Ph.D
Experience by Mihir Bellare
- Tom Henzinger's
advice on doing research
- Citations: Why
do we cite papers? by Jeff
- The
scientific method by Jeff
- What
is a PhD? by Jeff
- Thoughts
on choosing an advisor by Jeff
- Thoughts
on reading papers by Jeff
- Thoughts
on writing a Ph.D. proposal by Jeff
- How
to organize your files from Jason Eisner's
- How
to evaluate an advisor from Jason Eisner's
- How
to find research problems from Jason Eisner's
- How
to write up a Ph.D. dissertation from Jason Eisner's
- Advice for Computer Science College
Students by Joel Spolsky
- How to Start Research in Computer Networks? by Ahmed
- How to Be a Good Graduate Student
by Marie desJardins, UMBC
- How
to Succeed in Graduate School (Marie desJardins)
- Excellent advice about graduate school life
by Ronald T. Azuma, University of Virginia
- Discussion on Ph.D. thesis proposals
in computing science by H. C. Lauer
- How
to write a PhD Thesis given at the doctoral symposium at ASE'03 (Oct
2003) by Steve Easterbrook
- Advice
for finishing a Ph.D. (pdf document containing slides by Prof. Daniel
M. Berry) Lecture
- Some guidelines on doing good research
- How
to Organize your Thesis, by John W. Chinneck.
- Chris
Riesbeck on What is a Thesis Defense?
- How
to write a thesis in an Experimental area of Computer Science
by Doug Comer.
- How
to escape during a Ph.D. Final Exam by Doug Comer.
- An
explanation of language used in CS Departments by Doug Comer.
- For
anyone considering a Ph.D. in Computer Science by Doug Comer.
- How
to measure research by Doug Comer.
- How to
write a Ph.D. thesis by Joe Wolfe.
- Tips
for Writing and Presentation of Thesis or Dissertation by
Joseph Levine.
- Dissertation
Advice, by Olin Shivers
- Resources for Students interested in
the PhD by Norman Ramsey
- How
to get admitted to a PhD program, by Norman Ramsey.
- Graduate School Advice
- Advice collection
- What
Am I Doing Here? A Guide to the Unwritten Rules of Grad School in the
Sciences by Cory Kerens, Ph.D.
- For
anyone considering a Ph.D. in Computer Science, by Doug Comer
- Making
key research decisions. From 500 Tips For Research
Students, by Sally Brown, Liz McDowell and Phil Race.
- PhD rants-and-raves
- Dissertation
- Tips
on research and writing, by Renée Miller.
- Jeff
Offutt Lectures for PhD Courses
- So
long, and thanks for the Ph.D.!, by Ronald Azuma
- A
Letter to Research Students, by Duane A. Bailey
- Networking on the Network: A Guide to
Professional Skills for PhD Students
- Master Thesis Computer Science
- Thoughts on Ph.D.
Qualifiers by Phil Koopman
- Tom Martin's qual page
for some good hints from the student point of view.
- Graduate
Study in the Computer and Mathematical Sciences : A Survival Manual,
Dianne O'Leary
- How to
be a Good Graduate Student by Marie desJardins.
- Guide
to working with Norman Ramsey expectations and obligations as
an advisor.
- A Dictionary of Useful Research
- Burnout Prevention and Recovery at MIT
- How
to be terrible graduate student (by Graeme Hirst, University
of Toronto).
- Choosing
an Advisor by Marshall Lev Dermer, UW-Milwaukee.
- Information
for current and prospective graduate students by Timothy
- Computer
Science Graduate School Survival Guide by Ronald Azuma.
- Notes On The PhD Degree
- Re-Envisioning the Ph.D. by the
graduate school of UW
- Statement of Purpose Tip Sheet
- Acronyms
Frequently Heard Around the School of Computer Science by Paul Heckbert
- Book: Tomorrow's
- Book: A Ph.D. Is Not Enough: A Guide to Survival in
Presentation advice:
- Giving
a talk by Mike Ernst
- Advice on
giving talks by Tessa
- Tips
for a Good Conference Talk by
Jennifer Widom
- Hints
on making presentations by Jeff
- Some Advice on
giving a Talk, by Olivier Danvy. Issues in
making an oral presentation
- Presentation
advice by Armando Fox
- Conference
talk advice from Mark Hill.
- Your
Online Public Speaking Guide: Information and Tips
- Veljko Milutinovic, A Good Method to
Prepare and Use Transparencies for Research Presentations
- Robert
Drysdale on Giving Technical Talks
- Peyton Jones, Hughes and Launchbury
on How to Give a Good Research Talks
- Things
I Hope Not to See or Hear at SIGGRAPH, by Jim Blinn.
- How to Do Research and Give
- How
to give a good research talk, Simon Peyton Jones, John
Launchbury, John Hughes, SIGPLAN Notices 28(11), Nov 1993.
- Writing Good Papers and Presentations
by David Coppit
- Ideas from Bruce Donald
- Ideas from Paul Edwards and other
essays How
to Give a Talk: Changing the Culture of Academic Public Speaking
- Maxims for Malfeasant Speakers
- Tips
and tricks for giving a talk
- Oral
presentation skills
- The Short Talk
- Giving a Talk: Guidelines for the
Preparation and Presentation of Technical Seminars
- The
Best Method for Presentation of Research Results A
Good Method to Prepare and Use Transparencies for Research Presentations
- Ian Parberry, How to Present a Paper
in Theoretical Computer Science: A Speaker's Guide for Students
- How
to Present a Paper by Ashwin Ram
- The Role of Public
Speaking in the Business World
Technical writing/research advice:
reviewing/referee advice:
Advice for faculty:
- New
Software Engineering Faculty Symposium (NSEFS) NSEFS
03 slides NSEFS
05 slides NSEFS
06 slides
Careers 2004 talk slides 2006
2005 CAPP Professional Development Seminar with talk slides
with talk slides
Career Mentoring Workshops 2005
talk slides 2003
talk slides 2000
talk slides 1999
talk slides 1993-1999
talk slides Career
Mentoring Workshops Booklet
- Book: Tomorrow's
- Writing funding proposals:
- Advice
on Writing Proposals to the National Science Foundation
- How
Your Grant Proposal Compares
- Bad Advice on
Peer Review of Grant Proposals
- Panel:
Successful fellowship and grant applications Mary
Lou Soffa, Barbara Ryder Joseph
Urban at 2007
PL summer school
- Writing
an NSF Career Award proposal from Michael
Ernst's advice for faculty
CAREER Proposal Writing Tips edited by Z J Pei
- Advice on Writing Proposals to the National
Science Foundation by Susan Finger, Carnegie Mellon University
- Career
Mentoring Workshops Booklet including an articile on "Obtaining
Federal Funding"
- Writing
a good grant proposal by Simon Peyton Jones and Alan Bundy
- NSF's
for Proposal Writing
- NSF's
proposal guide (2007)
- Wisconsin
advice collection on writing proposals
- Guide for
Writing a Research Proposal by Joseph Levine.
- Prof.
James Hendler's slide show on "how to obtain funding".
- Hints on Preparing
Research Proposals
proposal writing
- Willamette
University's Tips
for Writing a Successful Grant Proposal
- Grant
writing tips collection
- Proposal
tips at TAMU Tips
for proposal writing
- NSF BPC proposal
writing tips
- Proposal
Writing Resources
- Early
Career Geoscience Faculty: Teaching, Research, and Managing Your Career
- Tips
for proposal writing
- Wilbers:
Grant Proposal Writing
- Tips
for Successful Grant-Writing
SE/PL granted funding
- NSF Programs
for Education and Academic Career Development
programs info from Caltech
- So
you want to win a Career Award: advice from NCSU
- Tips from
Grant Proposal Development Workshop@PDX
Grantsmanship Workshops at Buffalo
program overview ITR
Vanderbilt meeting
- Challenges
in Interdisciplinary Education for Embedded Systems
- National
Science Foundation (NSF) Sponsored Workshop on Critical Infrastructure
Protection (CIP) for SCADA and IT Systems
Infrastructure 2005 2005 NSF CISE/CNS CRI PI's Meeting
- Contacts
- Contacts
at Funding Agencies
- 2005 NSF
Career Award Proposal Writing Workshop (in ME) 2007 Workshop
(in ME)
- NSF: fastlane / CISE
- Sample
NSF proposals collected from Internet:
Framework for Environment-Aware, Massively Distributed Computing by
David Evans
CCLI: Teaching Software Engineering Using Lightweight Analysis by David
- University
of Virginia Teaching Fellowship: Teaching Introductory Computer Science
as a Liberal Art by David Evans
CAREER: Programming the Swarm by David Evans
CAREER: Automatic Generation of Configuration Management Repositories
by Jim Whitehead
MIT project
ITR program proposal, Alan F. Karr, David Notkin, Adam
Porter, and Douglas Schmidt.
ITR proposal by Walt Scacchi
- An
NSF Proposal by Robert Paige NSF
KDI Proposal: Project Description NSF 952
NSF Proposal
- Faculty
- How
departments can support Assistant Professors by Kathryn. S.
Academic Careers Workshop 2004 Slides
Mentoring Workshops Booklet
- New
Software Engineering Faculty Symposium (NSEFS) NSEFS
03 slides
- 2004 PAESMEM/Stanford
School of Engineering Workshop on Mentoring in Engineering
- CRA-W's
publications page contains resources such as their "Career
Mentoring Workshops Booklet".
- U.
Washington ADVANCE workshops
Conference at Snowbird 2004 with slides
Graduate Cohort Program with slides
Career Mentoring Workshop with reports and resources
Career Mentoring Workshop 2003 at FCRC with slides
Career Mentoring Workshop 2003 at SIGCSE with slides
Career Mentoring Workshop 1993/1995 with scripts
Conference on "Grand Research Challenges in Information Security
& Assurance" with slides and videos
- Professional
- Chairing
a Conference Session
- Double-blind
submission is better by Kathryn. S.
- Advice
on PC chair duties by Kathryn. S.
- Running
a conference or workshop from Michael
Ernst's advice for faculty
- Running
a conference program committee meeting from Michael
Ernst's advice for faculty
- Organizing
a workshop from Michael
Ernst's advice for faculty
- Networking:
- Career
Networking by Janice Cuny (booklet
page 31)
- Networking
by Lori Clarke
- Networking
Skills by Kathryn McKinley and Mary Jean Harrold
- Networking
on the Network: A Guide to Professional Skills for PhD Students
- Advice
to students who attend conferences by David Notkin
- Networking
for jobs
- Research
- Setting
up a Research Agenda at ICSE 2005 and Setting
up a Research Agenda at the New Software Engineering Faculty
Symposium at ICSE 2003 and by Barbara Ryder
Mentorship workshops on Collaborative
Research by Barbara
- You
and Your Research (or PDF)
- Scientist:
Four golden lessons
- On Being A
Scientist: Responsible Conduct In Research
- UCIrvine
ICS 280: Seminar in Information and Computer Science Research
Methodology for Software
- Rick
Snodgrass on LPU: least publishable unit, SIGMOD Record, March 2001
Defence of the Least Publishable Unit / by Whitney J. Owen
- Advising
- Life
After Attaining Full Professorship at FCRC 1999 and Mentoring
Students at the New Software Engineering Faculty Symposium
at ICSE 2005 by Barbara
- Writing
a letter of recommendation from Michael
Ernst's advice for faculty
- How to
Be a Good Graduate Student/Advisor by Marie desJardins
- Guide
to working with Norman Ramsey expectations and obligations as
an advisor.
- How
to stump students on an oral qualifier by Douglas Comer
- Advisor,
Teacher, Role Model, Friend On Being a Mentor to Students in
Science and Engineering. National Academy Press, 1997.
- How
to be a Terrible Research Advisor Nigel Ward, 1992.
- Advice
for Prospective Research Students on Contacting Potential Advisors
by David
- Teaching
- Ways
to obtain tenure in a university by Douglas Comer
- Teaching-Oriented
Academic Jobs Panel
- Postdoctoral
Teaching: Opportunities and Resources
- Computing
Research Association Effective Teaching Resources
- Teaching
Tips from UC Berkeley
- Linked
Bibliography on College Teaching by Craig Nelson
- Time
- Time
Management for New Faculty, Anastassia Ailamaki and Johannes
Gehrke. SIGMOD Record 2003 Time
Management for New Faculty
- Time
Management (or PPT)
- New
faculty member learns to manage her time - Christine Julien UT Austin
- Lessons
in time management
- Misc:
- Becoming a
Better Professor by Nigel
- Patterson's
Rules for New Computer Science and Engineering Professors, by
- How to Have a Bad Career in Research/Academia
by Dave Patterson
(also look here for Prof. Patterson’s
other non-technical
- Non
Technical Talks (Career Advice, Berkeley Culture, My Research Past, ...)
by Dave
- Tom Henzinger's advice on doing research
- The
Dignified Professor, or Richard Feynman on Teaching
- NCSU's
new faculty 101: An orientation to the professions NCSU's
helping new faculty get off to a good start
- The
top ten things new faculty would like to hear from colleagues
- A
CRA report - Evaluating Computer Scientists and Engineers For Promotion
and Tenure
- Tomorrow's
Professors Tomorrow's
Professor (an excellent collection of articles by Richard
Reis, author of a book with the same title.
- How
to insult a Computer Scientist by Douglas Comer
- Book:
for New Faculty Members by Robert Boice
- Being a
computer scientist in Hong Kong
- Interview
with Steve Reiss from Brown U.
- Applying
for Jobs in Academia, by Luis Gravano.
- The Ph.D.
Job Hunt – Helping Students Find the Right Positions - Edward D.
Lazowska U Washington
- Information
on software engineering education and the importance of mathematics to
software engineering
- Job
Hunting Online - Tips/Resources
- Preparing
the New Psychology Professoriate
Job hunting advice:
Misc. advice:
English learning advice:
- Grammar/Article
- Dictionary:
- University
writing resource:
- General writing
- Common Errors in English
- English Usage Online Resources
- Book: (Online)
Strunk, W., Elements of Style Strunk
(Easy to read, very useful as the first writing book to read)
Heritage® Book of English Usage.
- Book:
Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace (This is not a book
for easy reading, but it can be very helpful in improving writing
style, being the textbook in an excellent writing
style course I attended)
- Book:
The Minto Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing Thinking &
Problem Solving (a pricy book, but seems to be easy to read, a
much cheaper Chinese edition is available here)
- Book:
BUGS in Writing: A Guide to Debugging Your Prose (Also easy
to read, like a manual for checking different issues)
- Book:
The Handbook of Technical Writing, Seventh Edition (This
can be a good reference book to put on your bookshelf)
- Book:
MLA Handbook for Writers of
Research Papers (This
shall be a useful book. I put it here especially because in China there
is a much cheaper
[English edition] copy for sale.)
- Book:
MLA Style Manual and Guide to
Scholarly Publishing (This
shall be a useful book. I put it here especially because in China there
is a much cheaper
[English edition] copy for sale.)
- Book:
(Online) The Mayfield Handbook of Technical and Scientific Writing
- Book:
Writing for Computer Science: The Art of Effective Communication
- Book: The Chicago Manual of Style:
TThe Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers
- Book: Mathematical Writing book by
Donald E. Knuth
- Book:
A Few Rules from "A Handbook for Scholars" Scholars